Profile PictureAnna Adam

🛒 Imagine being terrified to talk to the cashier at a grocery store. Having a small heart attack when your teacher in class calls you out to answer a question, even though you know the answer. Or even dreading the mere act of ordering food at a local restaurant. Believe it or not, this was the exact kind of person Anna Adam used to be. Anna Adam wasn't always the most confident of voices that you will see today. In fact, for several years, she had struggled with crippling Social Anxiety that so many today are afflicted with. The mere thought of interacting socially in any form would send her heart racing, palms sweating and voice trembling. Pursuing friendship, attending events and truly connecting with her peers was downright impossible for her. But Anna Adam was not going to let Social Anxiety define her. Burning with fierce determination to break free of her shackles Social Anxiety bound her with, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She explored practical strategies, tackled her negative self-talk and found innovative ways to manage her Anxiety. Now, in her empowering book, The Empowered Woman's Guide to Social Anxiety, Anna Adam shares her hard-won wisdom with you. This is not just about overcoming Social Anxiety. This is about unleashing to the world the incredible YOU that has been hiding inside unknown to all. It's about finding your voice, making real connections with the people around you, and stepping into the world with the confidence of a rockstar. Humans are Social Creatures. Connecting with people and building relationships is in our very DNA. There's a whole world of possibilities just waiting for you on the other side of Social Anxiety. The question is...are you ready?

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